You can populate your inventory with products by generating Purchase Orders (POs).
There are two methods for creating Purchase Orders (POs) within the Inventory section:
- Within the 'Purchase Orders (PO)' tab
- Within the 'View/Adjust' tab
Please review the steps below for both methods
Creating Purchase Orders from the 'Purchase Orders (PO)' tab.
Follow the steps below to create and receive the Purchase Orders made to your vendors. After identifying where to create a PO, we will review how to assign a vendor, select products, add order details and finally place the order as an open PO or draft.
1. Log in to
2. Click on 'Inventory'
3. Click on 'Purchase Orders (PO)'
4. Click on 'New PO'
5. Assign a vendor
a. Choose your Vendor
Select existing vendors and click on 'Next' on the bottom right side of the screen. If you want to create a new one, click on 'Add Vendor' (or click here to review how to create a Vendor).
6. Select products to purchase from your vendor
a. Click on 'Select products'
b. Choose products
By default, we show all of your products which you can add to your PO.
- To view only the products assigned to specific vendors, click on the 'All Products' filter located at the top right. Then, select a vendor from the list and choose the desired products associated with that vendor
- Alternatively, you can choose to display only the products with quantities below a certain threshold level
- If you need to add a completely new product that is not yet listed in your product inventory, click on 'Create New Product' and then click on 'Refresh Product' to include it in the product list.
c. Fill in the spaces, then click on 'Next'
d. Click on 'Next' when you add the products to the order.
You can add more products by clicking on 'Select product' and modify existing ones by clicking on 'Edit'
7. Add Purchase Order details
8. Enter Purchase Order details (i.e. Employee, Expected Delivery Date, Purchase Type, Payment Terms, Purchase Order Name). Then, click on 'Save as Draft' or 'Place as Open PO'
Click here to review how to add more Purchase Type options
9. Click on 'Save as Draft' or 'Place as 'Open PO'.
If you save the PO as a draft, you can further edit it and place it as 'Open PO' later. If you select 'Place as Open PO', you can further receive this open PO and close it
Click here to review how to receive an open purchase order (PO)
Alternatively, you can generate a Purchase Order (PO) from the 'View/Adjust' page.
Creating Purchase Orders from the 'View/Adjust' page
For that open the 'View/Adjust tab' and simply input the desired quantity in the 'QTY to Order' and 'Unit Cost for New PO' fields and proceed by clicking on 'Create PO'.
The system will then automatically generate the corresponding Purchase Order.
Sending Email To Vendor
If you wish to email your vendor once you place an order, you would need to enable this option under the vendor Information. For that please follow these steps:
1. Under the Inventory tab, click on the drop-down arrow at the top right, go to the 'Vendors' tab
2. Add or edit a vendor
3. Make sure to enter their email address and enable the option ‘Check this box if you would like purchase orders (POs) to be emailed to the vendor’
4. Save the changes
Please find more detailed information on how to add vendors here