The SalesVu Orders report provides a comprehensive overview of your order data within a selected date range. You have the flexibility to break down your orders by various factors, including products, payment devices, employees, locations, order type (closed, open, refunded), payment method, shipping status, order source, and orders with customer feedback.
To get to the Orders page, log in to and click "Orders" on the left sidebar menu
To change the date range, choose a specific month/year:
1. Click on the drop-down menu on the upper left corner with the calendar icon
2. Customize the date you want to see; you can select the start and the end date manually on the left and right calendars
3. You will still be able to do quick picks for: Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Month to date, Year to date, or do a custom range
4. When you are happy with the date you've chosen, simply click "Apply" and your reports will display the corresponding results to those dates
To search by Order ID, Customer Name, Customer Email, Last 4 CC digits, etc.:
1. Click on the drop-down named: 'Search by'.
2. Choose which is the appropriate one you want to search by
3. Enter the information
4. Click on 'Enter' on your keyboard
Note: When using the search function in conjunction with other filter options, such as filtering by email and date, both filters will be applied simultaneously, providing more specific search results.
Suppose you are searching for customer feedback on a specific product category and filtering the report by that category and date. The search results will exclusively show feedback related to the selected category, ensuring focused and relevant information.
If you want all filters to work independently:
- click on the gear icon at the upper-right corner
- enable the option Allow "Search By" field to search orders without considering the selected values for date range, products and advanced options
If you want to see only orders with specific items, you can apply the 'Products' filter:
1. Click on the drop-down named "Products"
To make the search easier for you, you can click on the 2 arrow icon at the top of the 'Products' tab, and it will expand it
2. Select the products or categories you want to be displayed
3. Click on 'Submit', and your reports will be displayed
You can also expand this tab by clicking on the two arrows icon at the top right
To apply more specific filters, please click on 'Advanced Options':
- You can break down orders by the payment device (POS apps), locations, and employees who closed the orders.
- 'Order Type' filter helps you to pull orders of a certain status (open, closed, deleted, partially paid, partially refunded, closed with deleted item, open with deleted item, returned/exchanged orders).
Note: fully refunded orders are being deleted by the system automatically, and they will also appear under the 'deleted orders' status.
- 'Payment Method' filter helps you to pull orders that were closed by a certain payment method (cash, cheque, credit card, gift card)
- 'Order source' filter helps you to choose where this order came from: E-commerce, Physical (payment device), invoices, recurring billing,, appointments
- You can choose the 'Reconciled Status'
- 'Shipping status' helps you to pull orders that have the following statuses: delivered, to be shipped, shipped, to be picked up, dine in, or take away.
- You can choose a 'Transaction Status', to see authorized and captured transactions only.
Note: this status can be applied only if you integrate with one of these payment processors: Square, EVO, Vantiv, PayPal, Heartland
- 'Order Channel' will help you to pull orders that came from your website, branded app, booked by a customer, or by an employee and from Chowly platforms.
- You can also filter orders by order amount; for that enter the amount 'from' and 'to'
- Enable the toggle 'Orders With Customer Feedback' to see orders with comments from customers
- 'Taxable/Non-Taxable' filter will pull your orders with the 0% tax items
- Once you have selected all filters you want to apply, click on 'Submit'