When you click on the Products and Services, it will direct you to the "Product Listing" page, where you can see all of your products.
If you have multiple locations, you can switch locations by:
1. Clicking the first drop-down menu on the left-hand corner, and the products will change according to location
To see your product by category:
1. Click on the 'Categories' drop-down
2. Choose the 'Category' you want to see
3. The page will load the products for that specific category
To see all of your categories, click on the 'Manage Categories' tab and find more detailed information in this article: Manage Categories
To see all of your modifiers, click on the 'Manage Modifiers' tab and find more detailed information in this article: Managing Modifiers on SalesVu Portal
To sort your products by active, deleted, or both:
1. Click on the drop-down that says 'Active' by default
2. Choose which one you want, and it will load those products on the screen
To search for a specific product:
There is a search bar wherein you can type the specific product you are looking for, and it will automatically show you the product when you type the first few letters
To add a product, please follow the steps in this article: Adding Products
To clone, edit, or delete a product:
1. Scroll through or search for the product you want to either clone, edit or delete
2. Click on the two horizontal dots on the right corner of the product
3. It will show you the three options
To export, import, export your label sheet, or sort your products alphabetically:
1. Click on the drop-down arrow at the upper right top
2. Choose the action you want to do, and the screen will load accordingly
To add a tax rule click on the 'Tax Rules' tab from the top. Find more detailed information in this article: Add Tax Rule on SalesVu Portal
To change your tax setting, click on the 'Tax Management' tab and find more detailed information in this article: Tax Management
To change your color management, click on the "Color Management' tab and find more detailed information in this article: Color Management on SalesVu Portal
To add unit conversion, click on the 'Unit Conversion' tab from the top. Find more details in this article: Unit Conversion on SalesVu Portal