In SalesVu, you can efficiently manage your product inventory by either importing new products and setting their inventory quantities instantly or updating the inventory quantities of existing items using the Inventory Import feature.
To import inventory or update your existing inventory, follow the steps below:
1. Sing into
2. On the left vertical menu, click on the 'Inventory' tab
3. Click on the import icon at the upper top corner
4. Follow the instructions on the Import Inventory page and click on the link to download a template file
5. Open the template file in Excel
6. You will see eight columns:
- Product ID
- Product Name
- Category Name
- Inventory Count
- UPC Code
- Cost Price
1) Important note: imported quantities will overwrite existing quantities.
2) Important note: columns: "Product ID, Product Name, SKU, Category Name" can not be modified.
7. Once you edited the file, please save it and ensure that it is saved in the csv format.
8. Now, go to the Inventory Import page and simply drag and drop your csv file and your inventory will get updated.