In SalesVu to check in customers for a class, you would need to create a class and time slots for these classes.
Note: before creating time slots/schedules for your classes, you would need to create classes themselves under the 'Products & Services' tab first, please find the detailed steps on how to create classes here
Once you created a class, please follow the steps below:
1. Sign into
2. On the left vertical menu click on 'Appointments'
3. Select 'Time Slots'
4. Select 'Add Time Slot' at the right upper top
5. For the 'Service' field, select the class you have created previously
6. Select the 'Start Time'
7. Set the capacity for the 'room', this would be the number of people that can book this class
8. Enable 'Recurring if necessary, this would make the class repeat on selected days of the week
9. Select the employee who will perform the class
10. Enter the 'Class Name'
11. The 'Threshold to Display Capacity' number will display on your website in the following format: *the class start and end time* 'Left 2'