In SalesVu, you can run the 'Sales by Vendor' report, which will give you information on how each vendor's products perform for a given date range. To pull this report, please follow these steps:
1. Sign in to
2. On the left vertical menu, click on 'Reports'
3. Click on the drop-down arrow at the upper top of the screen
4. Click on 'Sales by Vendor'
5. On the upper right top, select default date ranges or customize the date on the right of the drop-down
6. "Advanced Options" filter offers comprehensive options for your report. Here, you can select a specific store/location, products/categories, hide deleted products/categories, vendors, and "Include sales for non-trackable products and for products that are trackable in inventory but not yet deducted from inventory due to insufficient quantity". Once you organize the filters, click on "Apply"
Note: If you want to exclude all deleted vendors from the vendor listing, enable the toggle 'Hide Deleted Products/Categories?'
7. The report will give you information on each vendor name, QTY of items sold, sales net of refunds, discounts, net sales, average retail price, total item cost, average cost, current on-hand QTY, and the last received date of a product received into inventory. To review the columns in this report, scroll the horizontal bar at the bottom of the page. To customize the columns, click on the "Show/Hide Columns" filter on the top right
You can also export and print this report.
Note: Sales by Vendor report is generated based on the information from the closed purchase orders, and it will not include sales of items that were sold but were not marked as 'received' under the Inventory section. It also doesn't show sales for items with negative quantity under Inventory