Note: Every employee has their own login (email and password) to access the portal to view the SalesVu account. Employees' activity on the portal and the SalesVu POS app can be tracked. The followings are steps to review employee activity; in this article, you can also find the list of trackable activities for the portal.
Please note that, to track employee logs for a specific feature, an employee must have access to that feature. Click here to get a detailed overview.
1. To view activity, sign in to
2. Click on "Employees" on the left-hand menu
3. Click on the drop-down ("v" icon) to view more options and select "Activity Log Report"
5. To run the activity log report, you can use the filters (date, web portal activity/POS activity, specific employee(s), or location)
6. You can export or print the report
Trackable employee logs on the portal: Trackable activities on the portal
Trackable logs on the app: Features listed on the device access levels can be trackable if an employee does not have access to these features. Go to the following link to review the access levels for employees: Overview: Employee Device Access Level