You can pull a report showing an employee's credit card tips in two ways. Currently, SalesVu shows this information in the 'Sales report and in the 'Z' report.
Sales report
1. Sign into
2. On the left vertical menu, click on 'Reports' and 'Sales'
4. Locate the calendar filter and select the date range
5. Click on the 'Advanced Options' > under the 'Breakdown By' header and select the employee name
6. You will see the 'Total Tips' collected by this employee
Z report
1. Sign into
2. On the left vertical menu, click on 'Reports'
3. Click on 'Z'
4. Select the date range, if you have more than one location and want to run the report only for specific locations, click the 'Location' filter and choose a location of your choice. Otherwise, it will generate the report for all locations.
5. Under the 'Payment Details' header, you will see the line 'Total Tips' and 'Total Tips by Employee' and the total amount of tips collected by each employee over the selected period